Achieving dreams without the overwhelm.
This time last year Dane and I put on our hiking boots and finally did the Tongariro Crossing in New Zealand – those emerald lakes are definitely worth the scrambling up scoria to see. However, at the base of the climb we were behind a young woman who stopped, looked up the mountain, turned to her mum and said “I can’t do this. I’m going back.” It turns out they had come from the states and had been planning this trip for the last three years, yet despite her desire to make it to the top she quit. The journey ahead seemed way too daunting – as Dane put it: ‘She was seeing the whole mountain rather than approaching it step by step’.
This got me thinking about goals and life dreams. It’s exactly the same! A lot of the time people get so overwhelmed by the magnitude of what they're wanting to achieve that they give up, or tell themselves they aren’t cut out for it. This is especially true when we feel out of our comfort zones, or being challenged (which actually means you're playing bigger).
When just like that mountain, if you broke your dreams down into smaller, more manageable steps you will slowly but surely make your way to the top.
So, if you are starting to waver on some of your intentions for this year, or if you're feeling daunted around how to achieve them...
- Stop and take a breath - you’ve got this!
- Look at your goal/s and break it down into monthly chunks – ask yourself 'what do I want to achieve by the end of the month that will move me one step closer to achieving it?'
- Break your goal down into achievable actions each week – at the beginning of the week take 5 minutes to look at your monthly goal/s and ask yourself 'what are the three key actions I want to take this week that will add up to my success this month?'
What mountain are you needing to take the first step on?
With love,
Sarah x